Friday, October 17, 2008

binary sugar cubes

h1: two teabags?
me: less than this, i dont get the taste of tea and its just like hot sugary drink.
h1: ah... i recall, whats that 'sugarubes are binary thing' on ur page?
me: see these sugarcubes. they are either one or none. unless you try and break them and thats not easy.
h1: hmm, my coffee is either too sweet or too plain. they should keep sugar and spoon instead.
me: my tea is just right. i applied the fuzzy logic to the binary cubes!
h1: how?
me: i put in two cubes, stir a little and then pick out one which is half dissolved and throw it out.
h1: cool! but its national wastage you are creating
me: i'll create more of a moral wastage by cursing the cube makers and other people around me after having a very sweet or very bland tea
h1: hmm... hey! then teabags are binary as well (*wink) got you here! ... wait... no, (*sigh) you can soak them as long as you need
me: u have a fuzzy logic but of no use

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